Sunday 1 May 2011

Taking Control - Planning

con·trol  (kn-trl)
tr.v. con·trolled, con·trol·ling, con·trols
1. To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct.
2. To adjust to a requirement; regulate:
3. To hold in restraint; check:
The Oxford English Dictionary
(OED) de
free action of; to hold sway over, exercise power or authority over; to dominate,

What does it entail to take control over another person? Is it simply a matter of marching up to someone and saying, follow me , do this, I am now your Alpha and Omega and do as you are told?

Would it not be blissful if it were that easy? As I prepare for my slave's return , I have found myself reading the The Control Book by Peter Masters again trying to plan how to take control of my slave and remind him of his place and give him the confidence in me to let go completely.

I am revisiting my motivations for wanting to have control over him and checking that we both are still suited to each other.As within any relationship there needs to be mutual benefit and satisfaction for the power exchange to work.

The planning required to successfully take control of a slave is extensive. How to take control, how to maintain control and how to manage the relationship that it meets both our needs and wants. The mere structure of time spent together, the rules, standing orders etc... take hours of work.

To successfully take control of another there must be clear action alongside the talk. No fear or doubt should exist and motives must be clear. It is not all about pain, although for some receiving pain and being restricted is the quickest way to obtain control.

I will be writing regularly about my process of preparing for slave's visit. Currently I am busy compiling a list of desired outcomes from our 30 days... the most important one being my slaves complete submission to me and making him MINE completely.

fines control (the verb) as: To exercise restraint or direction upon the.

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