Thursday 28 April 2011

Simply punished !

What makes one punishment stand out from another and more memorable than another? Is it the "hardness" of the strokes, the number of strokes , the implement used or the intensity of the pain inflicted during the punishment?

Master is the Maestro of punishment, I am a pain slut and actually enjoy a good caning and spanking, fro me the are sometimes a treat to me, so punishing me in the more traditional manner is not an actual punishment. Thus Master has refined His punishment techniques and at first glance or during the application or meting out of a punishment , the submissive or an audience may think that it is not harsh at all or harsh enough.

Our guest for my punishment session had been part of my weekend mischief and helped me along my path of self destruction ( as any good self proclaimed sadist would). Pain is his thing, in a BIG way!

Master had given me my list of items to have ready, I have intimate knowledge of all of them and thought I knew what would happen, although I was a little scared I was far to confident as I have a high threshold for pain ( and enjoy spanking, caning and slapping a lot)  and came across far to cocky!

As a submissive ( Dominant to my slave, slutty boy and foot slut) there is a profound an epiphany to be had in a well given punishment. And yesterday"s punishment was profound in it's simplicity and had a  more powerful and lasting physical impact than anticipated.

It was a deceivingly simple low key punishment and I bore it with as much elegance and style as one can whilst being on display in that manner and doing the acts that are designed to be degrading and humiliating as these were ( since I was to be reminded of my place and to whom I belong, MASTER).

As the punishment was being administered our guest encouraged Master to add a spanking or caning into the mix as he was of the opinion my punishment was not severe enough to befit my crime. Master calmly announced that since I had been spanked so much the weekend I was inure to the impact of a spanking or caning.

Master had his very calm smiling voice on and said no , the punishment would surely remind his naughty brat what happens when she gets led astray by her urges and hormones....

The brushing down continued for about 15 minutes at a good pace, added to that afterwards the Tabasco and the Icy Blue and a good three hours sitting around naked with the treatment curing and I was in agony ( I still am in agony! ) and the agony just increased with every minute in the day. By last night my fanny was so swollen and raw that every movement caused me to cringe. And the simplest acts such as a bath or a pee nearly had me in tears, constantly reminding of my lesson.

I spent the whole day yesterday trying to sooth the pain,my fanny truly was on fire. It was boiling hot and it was leaking like a tap adding to the agony as raw delicate skin should be kept dry not wet and chafing with every move. As I sit here I can fully understand why babies howl as they do when they have nappy rash as I would like to howl with them!

I woke this morning to a less fiery fanny, now at a slow simmer or medium boil, but a day wearing jeans sans panties quickly has me back to full scale agony! A long chat with Master and him issuing the instruction to write about the lasting impact of a seemingly innocent punishment .

Why am I so stupid as to even do things like this, I my Master, he always punishes me with such simple elegance that leaves lasting lasting marks on my soul and in the aftermath of a punishment ( yesterday was a punishment, spanking and caning is foreplay for us) leaves me keenly aware of his touch and his undeniable ownership of me.

So when next confronted with a simple punishment do not be deceived! If it has been crafted or administered by Master, know it will be painful and deeply effective!

I adore my Master, he has such elegance and the most deliciously wicked mind. I will not stray in that manner ever again. oh yes I forgot to mention, I have been loaned out on an indefinite basis to our guest. When Master does not need me I am to be available virtually and in real life to our guest.

Just a last slap ....

Within simplicity lies lasting impact!

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